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Recap of meeting

Dear All,
Our chairman sir called a meeting on Sunday dated 08/02/2015,  here presenting recap of meeting as below:

Agenda 01: Cost Break down
Chairman sir declared the new policy for Cost breakdown.
Step 01 : Merchandiser & Production manager will prepare primary cost breakdown for a order/style & send to Merchandising Manager.
Step 02 : Merchandising Manager  will  review and revised  (if necessary) the cost break down & then send to Director Operation.
Step 03 : Director operation will call a meeting for final review, analyze  &  how maximize of commission. Here Chairman sir make a committee for the meeting, committee person are, Merchandiser, Merchandising Manager,Commercial Manager, Production Manager.
After meeting Director Operation will send  to chairman sir for primary approval to negotiate with factory.

All above steps, all are can take advice from Director Operation.

Agenda 02:  Factory meeting for order submit.

After getting the primary approval of cost break down from Chairman sir, director operation will call to factory for order submit. Here Chairman sir make a committee to negotiate with factory, committee persons are  Merchandiser, Merchandising Manager, Production manager and Commercial Manager. Meeting schedule is 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM, factory persons should comes on this time.

After final the price negotiation Director Operation  will send final cost breakdown to Chairman Sir for L/C  transfer approval.

Agenda 03: Knit Division

All of member of knit division will work with sweater division until get the knit order.

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