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5301                Flax, raw or processed but not spun; flax tow and
                    waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock):
5301.10.0000           Flax, raw or retted.................................   kg
                       Flax, broken, scutched, hackled or otherwise
                       processed, but not spun:
5301.21.0000              Broken or scutched...............................   kg
5301.29.0000              Other............................................   kg
5301.30.0000           Flax tow and waste..................................   kg
5302                True hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), raw or processed but
                    not spun; tow and waste of true hemp (including yarn
                    waste and garnetted stock):
5302.10.0000           True hemp, raw or retted............................   kg
5302.90.0000           Other...............................................   kg
5303                Jute and other textile bast fibers (excluding flax,
                    true hemp and ramie), raw or processed but not spun;
                    tow and waste of these fibers (including yarn waste
                    and garnetted stock):
5303.10.0000           Jute and other textile bast fibers, raw or retted...   kg
5303.90.0000           Other...............................................   kg
5304                Sisal and other textile fibers of the genus Agave, raw
                    or processed but not spun; tow and waste of these
                    fibers (including yarn waste and garnetted stock):
5304.10.0000           Sisal and other textile fibers of the genus Agave,
                       raw.................................................   kg
5304.90.0000           Other...............................................   kg
5305                Coconut, abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee),
                    ramie and other vegetable textile fibers, not
                    elsewhere specified or included, raw or processed but
                    not spun; tow, noils and waste of these
                    fibers (including yarn waste and garnetted stock):
                       Of coconut (coir):
5305.11.0000              Raw..............................................   kg
5305.19.0000              Other............................................   kg
                       Of abaca:
5305.21.0000              Raw..............................................   kg
5305.29.0000              Other............................................   kg
5305.91.0000              Raw..............................................   kg
5305.99.0000              Other............................................   kg
5306                Flax yarn:
5306.10.0000           Single..............................................   kg
5306.20.0000           Multiple (folded) or cabled.........................   kg
5307                Yarn of jute or of other textile bast fibers of
                    heading 5303:
5307.10.0000           Single..............................................   kg
5307.20.0000           Multiple (folded) or cabled.........................   kg
5308                Yarn of other vegetable textile fibers; paper yarn:
5308.10.0000           Coir yarn...........................................   kg
5308.20.0000           True hemp yarn......................................   kg
5308.30.0000           Paper yarn..........................................   kg
5308.90.0000           Other...............................................   kg
5309                Woven fabrics of flax:
                       Containing 85 percent or more by weight of flax:
5309.11.0000              Unbleached or bleached...........................   m2
5309.19.0000              Other............................................   m2
                       Containing less than 85 percent by weight of flax:
5309.21.0000              Unbleached or bleached...........................   m2
5309.29.0000              Other............................................   m2
5310                Woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibers
                    of heading 5303:
5310.10.0000           Unbleached..........................................   m2
5310.90.0000           Other...............................................   m2
5311.00.0000        Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibers; woven
                    fabrics of paper yarn..................................   kg

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