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6305                Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of
6305.10.0000           Of jute or of other textile bast fibers of heading
                       5303................................................   kg
6305.20.0000           Of cotton...........................................   kg
                       Of manmade textile materials:
6305.31.0000              Of polyethylene or polypropylene strip or the
                          like.............................................   kg
6305.39.0000              Other............................................   kg
6305.90.0000           Of other textile materials..........................   kg
6306                Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds; tents; sails for
                    boats, sailboards or landcraft; camping goods:
                       Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds:
6306.11.0000              Of cotton........................................   kg
6306.12.0000              Of synthetic fibers..............................   kg
6306.19.0000              Of other textile materials.......................   kg
6306.21.0000              Of cotton........................................   kg
6306.22                   Of synthetic fibers:
6306.22.1000                 Backpacking tents.............................   No. 
6306.22.9000                 Other.........................................   kg
6306.29.0000              Of other textile materials.......................   kg
6306.31.0000              Of synthetic fibers..............................   kg
6306.39.0000              Of other textile materials.......................   kg
                       Pneumatic mattresses:
6306.41.0000              Of cotton........................................   kg
6306.49.0000              Of other textile materials.......................   kg
6306.91.0000              Of cotton........................................   kg
6306.99.0000              Of other textile materials.......................   kg
6307                Other made-up articles, including dress patterns:
6307.10.0000           Floorcloths, dishcloths, dusters and similar
                       cleaning cloths.....................................   kg
6307.20.0000           Life jackets and life belts.........................   kg
6307.90                Other:
6307.90.3000              Labels...........................................   kg
6307.90.4000              Cords and tassels................................   kg
6307.90.5000              Corset lacings, footwear lacings or similar
                          lacings..........................................   kg
6307.90.6500              Surgical drapes..................................   kg
6307.90.8910              Surgical towels..................................   No.
                          National flags:
6307.90.9925                 Of the United States..........................   No.
6307.90.9935                 Of other nations..............................   No.
6307.90.9990              Other............................................   kg
6308.00.0000        Needlecraft sets consisting of woven fabric and yarn,
                    whether or not with accessories, for making up into
                    rugs, tapestries, embroidered tablecloths or napkins,
                    or similar textile articles, put up in packings for
                    retail sale............................................   kg
6309.00.0000        Worn clothing and other worn articles..................   kg
6310                Used or new rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and
                    cables, and worn-out articles of twine, cordage, rope
                    or cables, of textile materials:
6310.10.0000           Sorted..............................................   kg
6310.90.0000           Other...............................................   kg

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