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CC Loan Application

Date: 10.03.2008

The Manager
Dhaka Bank ltd
Narayanganj branch

Sub      : Prayer for extension of our Back to Back limit Tk.5.00 Core  instead of Tk.1.50
Core  and  CC(H) loan Tk.50.00 lac instead of  existing Tk.15.00 lac  in favor of
Dastagir Apparels (Pvt) Ltd.

Dear Sir,

We have the honour to inform you that our company is 100% export oriented knit and woven garments industry. Our export  crossing more then 1(One) Year with good will. Our yearly export target is about 25 crore. We are getting now enough export L/C. and we increased our production capacity, now total 200 sets machine in our factory . And we are facing great problem for running capital to export process .

So, we need more banking facility  as Tk.5.00 Core Back to Back limit and Tk.50 lac CC(H) Loan instead of existing .

You are requested to extend of our Back to Back limit Tk.5.00 Core  and CC(H) loan Tk.50.00 lac instead of existing and thereby.

Thank & Regards,

Yours faithfully

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