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A meeting of the Board of Directors of  Knit Garments (Pvt)Ltd was held on 08-10-21003 at Factory premises,10Mohim Ganguli Road(1St Floor),Tanbazar, Narayanganj Bangladesh    The following persons were present in the meeting.

1. Mrs. Farhana Akther.
2. Mr. Md. Monowar Hossain Khan.
3. Mr. Md. Humayun kabir Khan.
4. Mr. Md. Farhaduzzaman.

       Mrs Farhana Akther, Chairperson of the Company presided over the meeting The following Agenda was discussed.

It was unanimously decided to open an account with National Bank Limited  Narayanganj Branch and also decided to enjoy all Banking facilities like Import,Export, Loan and advances from  National Bank Limited  Narayanganj
The Managing Director was requested to take necessary steps in this regards with National Bank Limited  Narayanganj Branch.


    To discuss regarding handle of works related to Foreign Exchange(Import & Export),EPB(I.E. Quota,GSP,C.O,Licence,VISA etc)of the Company.
   It was unanimously decided that all papers and documents of the Company related to Foreign Exchange (Import & Export,Loans & advances ),EPB(I.E.Quota,GSP,C.O,Licence,VISA etc)   and all other necessary papers,chequs,Bill of Exchange,would be signed and endorsed by Mr. Md. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Managing Director of the Company.

(Mrs. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)                                                           (Md. Mxxxxxxxx)
   Chairperson                                                                                      Managing Director

(Md. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)                                                            (Md. Fxxxxxx)
         Director.                                                                                     Director.

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